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SmartSuite Automations
Create custom notifications, automate routine tasks and integrate with other products.
Automation Action: Send Webhook RequestMake HTTP requests to external systems from your SmartSuite automation
Creating an AutomationStep by step guide to creating your first automation
Automation Run HistoryLearn how to check your automation's run history logs.
Automation TriggersDiscover how to set up triggers for your automations and explore the available options for both native SmartSuite and integration triggers.
Automation ConditionsLearn how to configure Automation Conditions in SmartSuite and Understand Each of our Available Operators.
SmartSuite Automation ActionsLearn how to configure SmartSuite Automation actions
Managing AutomationsEditing, duplicating, deleting, disabling automations and SmartSuite Automation Limits
Using Checklists in Automations
Common Automation Error TroubleshootingTroubleshooting the most common error messages in SmartSuite's Automation History
Automation Action: Merge RecordsLearn how to configure an automation that will identify and merge duplicate records in SmartSuite.
Automations: Using Action DataLearn how to use automation action data in subsequent actions.
Automation Action: Create a CommentLearn how to automatically add comments to records using SmartSuite's native Create a Comment automation action.
Automation Action: Generate PDFGenerate a PDF as part of a native SmartSuite automation!
Automation Trigger: Webhook
Automation Trigger: Google Gmail
Automation Action: Salesforce
Automation Action: Intercom
Automation Action: HubSpotConfigure an action that allows you to create and update records in HubSpot
Automation Action: Outlook Email
Automation Action: Google Sheets
Automation Action: Google Drive
Automation Action: SlackLearn how to automatically send Slack messages based on a SmartSuite trigger.
Automation Action: Jira CloudUse SmartSuite automations to create or update Jira Cloud issues
Automation Action: Microsoft Teams
Automation Action: Google Calendar
Automation Action: Google Gmail
Automation Action: Twilio
Connecting SmartSuite to BardeenExplore the power of using SmartSuite & Bardeen to automate workflows and enhance productivity.
Automation Trigger: Outlook