Count FieldCount the number of Linked Records between Tables.
Rollup FieldSummarize data from records linked to the current record
Lookup FieldDisplay a field value from a Linked Record
Formula FieldCalculate a value based on other fields in the Record
Auto Number FieldAdd unique identifiers to Tables
IP Address FieldCapture valid IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
Record ID FieldAdd a unique system-generated ID to each Record
Signature FieldCapture electronic signatures and track acknowledgements
Color Picker FieldAllow the selection of a color palette in HEX, RGB or CMYK formats
Sub Items FieldCreate itemized line items in a record
Button Field
Conditional Counts, Lookups, & RollupsLearn how to filter information brought in by a Linked Record.
Count & Rollups click throughView the data behind count and rollup field values for easy access to every detail
Dependency Field