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Collaborating in SmartSuite

Collaborate with your team about work happening, where the actual work is being done

Emma Montgomery avatar
Written by Emma Montgomery
Updated over a month ago

Feature Overview Video

SmartSuite is built from the ground-up to prevent shifting between where conversations about work are happening to the system and where the actual work is being done. This collaboration in the context of work saves time and helps ensure important actions identified in the course of discussion are assigned and completed.

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Guests, General Access, Solution Creators, Administrators

Related Reading

Bring members into conversations with @Mentions in Comments, SmartDoc fields, and Checklist fields. Members receive notifications in Real-Time in the Notification Center.

Follow important records to stay across activity and engage in comment threads. Assign comments to switch from passive discussion to active tasks. Inject sentiment and tone with emojis when making and reacting to comments.

Collaboration in SmartSuite mimics the natural behaviors of individuals and teams as they come together to get work done. These features are central to the premise of our work management platform.

Work in Real-Time

SmartSuite ensures you're working on the current version of content by facilitating work in real-time.

Multiple Members can access and update records simultaneously. They see other team members viewing the record or making field-level updates. In this context, Members are a click away from opening the comment panel to strike up a discussion.

Perhaps even more powerful is the ability to see team members working across multiple records in Grid View. It's fast, efficient, and always current.

Comments, @Mentions, & Notifications

Clicking the comment icon in any record expands the discussion panel. Create a new Comment at the bottom with full, rich text options and the ability to inject sentiment with emojis, @mention Members, and add images or files.

@Mentions bring Members into conversations and alert them to responses. Simply type '@' to search and select the member directory. Every @mention triggers a notification and the Notification Center, which typically is the first spot Members check to get across recent work activities.

Assigning Tasks

Clear and effective task delegation is key to facilitating intra-team and intra-departmental workflow.

SmartSuite does not have a concept of a stand-alone "task" or a dedicated "task table". Focus is centered on the work that needs to get done, by who, and by when.

Records, Comments, and Checklist items can be assigned in SmartSuite - generically referenced as "tasks." Assigned items appear in members' My Work feed. New assignments trigger notifications in the Assigned to Me tab in the Notification Center.

Understanding How Tasks Become Tasks

The Assigned To field designates a record to a member or team (who) . When combined with the Status field, it transforms records into actionable tasks. This setup enables automations to create simple workflows, if a Due Date is added, that becomes the when.

Key Relationships:

  • Assigned To + Status β†’ Creates a task in My Work.

  • Due Date + Status (Optional) β†’ Helps track deadlines but isn't required.

  • Multiple Assigned To fields linked to the same Status β†’ If one person updates the status, it applies to all assigned members.

To Learn more visit this article

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