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Following & Unfollowing a Record

Follow your favorite topics to stay informed

Jon Darbyshire avatar
Written by Jon Darbyshire
Updated over a year ago

You can choose to Follow a record to receive updates on any changes or comments in a particular record. When you follow a record, you receive:

  • Notifications in the Notification Panel

  • Email notifications with details of the record updates

Why would I want to Follow a Record?

The simple answer is to stay on top of important work activities that you're not directly assigned to. Examples include:

  • Stay on top of activities and issues related to your top client Account records

  • Track activities related to key milestones in a Project Management solution

  • Monitor requirements, designs, and development for your next killer Product feature

Where to Follow a Record

Follow records with a single click in the open record window. Notice the bell icon in the upper right of the window. The default state is indicated here:

Clicking the bell opens a simple dropdown to allow you to Follow or Unfollow a record:

Example of Use

After Following a record, you'll receive notifications on any update. Say the record above was updated with a new assignment in the Copy Reviewer field.

You will get a notification in SmartSuite:

And an email (based on email preference settings):

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