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Date Field

Capture date and time values in Tables

Emma Montgomery avatar
Written by Emma Montgomery
Updated over a month ago

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Workspace Admins, Solution Creators and Solution Managers: Can create, modify, delete, and manage Date fields in their solutions.

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The Date field captures date and time values in SmartSuite tables. Formats for date and time dynamically adjust based on locale settings defined in the Member Profile.

Adding a Date Field

From Grid View:

  1. Click the "+" menu icon after the last column header.

  2. Alternatively, open the Column Menu by clicking on a column header's dropdown icon and select "Add Field to the Right."

  3. Select "Date Field" from the list. Use the search bar to quickly locate it.

  4. Configure the field settings in the pop-up window and save the changes.

From Record View:

  1. Open a record in your table.

  2. Click the "+" icon next to an existing field to add a new field below.

Working with Date Fields

Adding or Adjusting Dates:

  1. Click on the cell where you want to add a date.

  2. A calendar view will appear. Select the desired year, month, and day.

  3. Optionally, customize the time.

Customizing the Field:

  1. Open the customization menu by clicking on the field name.

  2. Change the display name or select a format using the "Display Format" dropdown.

  3. Choose between Compact, Standard (default), or Long display formats.

  4. Solution Managers can make the field required during configuration.

Check out quick articles on Setting Default Field Values and Adding Help Text to fields.

Including a Time Field

To add a time to each date:

  1. Click on the + Time Panel at the bottom of the configuration window.

  2. Choose a time from the 15-minute increment dropdown or manually type in a specific time.

Date Fields and Views

Calendar View:

  • Calendar View automatically detects Date fields.

  • Records are mapped to calendar dates, and users can shift between multiple date fields using the Date selector.

Timeline View:

  • Timeline View recognizes date-related field types (e.g., Date, Due Date, and Date Range).

  • Records appear on the timeline and are color-coded by their date values.

Practical Scenarios and Use Cases

1. Project Deadlines

Scenario: A project management team needs to track deadlines for multiple tasks. Solution: Use the Date Field to set due dates for each task and visualize them in Calendar View for efficient tracking.

2. Event Scheduling

Scenario: An events team needs to plan and organize a series of webinars. Solution: Leverage the Date Field to input event dates and times, enabling easy scheduling and reminders.

3. Employee Timesheets

Scenario: An HR team needs to log work hours for employees. Solution: Use the Date Field with time enabled to record start and end times for accurate tracking.

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