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Communication Center: Connecting Gmail

Send email without leaving SmartSuite by using your own Gmail account

Emma Montgomery avatar
Written by Emma Montgomery
Updated over 9 months ago

Link your Gmail account to SmartSuite so you can send and receive emails within records.

Your email account should be unique to you and not shared with anyone else on your team. The Gmail address you add should be the one that you typically use for sending messages to your contacts. By connecting your personal email account, you authorize SmartSuite to send emails to your contacts using your company’s email servers.

NOTE: This feature is available on the Professional and Enterprise plan.

Connecting from the Communication Center

To link your Gmail account with SmartSuite:

  1. Open up any record

  2. In the top right corner, click on the chat icon (comments field).

  3. Click on the Email tab (if this is not enabled you will need to go into the settings to toggle it).

  4. Select New Email

  5. In the From field dropdown select Manage Email Accounts.

  6. Your profile will open to the Connected Emails section for you to create the connection.

  7. Select Add Gmail Account

    • During the authentication process, you will see a window that lists the permissions SmartSuite requests access to. This is a standard warning that Gmail shows for any third-party integration. Granting this access will allow you to view, send, and receive emails with Gmail inside of SmartSuite records. You must grant these permissions for the integration to work.

    • When adding your Gmail account to SmartSuite the requested permissions may vary based on the configuration of your Gmail workspace.

  8. Close the profile popup by clicking the X icon in the upper-right corner.

  9. Now when you click New Email you will be able to select your connected Gmail email account.

Creating a new email in Communications Center:

Selecting Manage Email Accounts:

Select Add Gmail Account:

Gmail Account Successfully Added:

Selecting a Connected Gmail Email account:

Connecting Gmail from Workspace Settings

Note: You can also manage your connected email accounts from your Personal Information.

  1. To connect an email to your SmartSuite workspace, click on your profile dropdown.

  2. Select Personal Information.

  3. Click on the "Connected Emails" tab to authenticate your email.

  4. Select Add Gmail Account

    • During the authentication process, you will see a window that lists the permissions SmartSuite requests access to. This is a standard warning that Gmail shows for any third-party integration. Granting this access will allow you to view, send, and receive emails with Gmail inside of SmartSuite records. You must grant these permissions for the integration to work.

    • When adding your Gmail account to SmartSuite the requested permissions may vary based on the configuration of your Gmail workspace.

Select Connected Emails in User Profile:

Connected Emails Section:

Removing a Connected Gmail Account

You can remove a connected Gmail account by clicking the trash icon displayed to the right of the account.

Note: You can only have one Gmail account connected to your SmartSuite profile at a time. To add a different account, first remove any existing account from the profile.

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