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Zapier Find Record

Using Zapier to Find Records in SmartSuite

Peter Novosel avatar
Written by Peter Novosel
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Zapier’s Find Record actions for SmartSuite enable you to locate and update records effortlessly, even if you don’t know the Title field or record ID. These actions allow you to find a single record or multiple records based on specific criteria, enhancing your automation workflows.

Plan Availability

All plan types


General Access: Requires Zapier integration enabled.

Related Reading

Overview of Find Record Actions

Zapier provides two SmartSuite-specific actions for finding records:

  1. Find a Record in SmartSuite: Locate a single record and optionally create one if no match is found.

  2. Find Many Records (As Line Items): Retrieve multiple records that meet your filter criteria and return them as Zapier Line Items.

These actions are ideal for updating records when the Title field or record ID is unavailable, allowing you to search by other known values.

Action 1: Find a Record in SmartSuite

This action helps you locate a specific record to update. If the record doesn’t exist, you can configure it to create a new one automatically.

Configuration Steps:

  1. Select Solution and Table: Choose the SmartSuite Solution and Table you want to search within.

  2. Configure Search Settings:

    • Search by Field: Specify the field in your selected Table to evaluate (e.g., Email, ID, or Status).

    • Search Value: Enter the value to match against the search field.

  3. Handle Unmatched Searches:

    • Proceed if Nothing is Found: Set to true to continue the Zap even if no match is found. Otherwise, the Zap stops if no match exists.

  4. Enable Record Creation (Optional):

    • Select Create SmartSuite Record if it Doesn’t Exist to create a new record when no match is found.

    • You can map all fields in the Table as if using the Create Record action.

  5. Return Results: If multiple records match, the action will return the first matching record only.

Action 2: Find Many Records (As Line Items) in SmartSuite

This action retrieves multiple records that meet your criteria, returning them as Zapier Line Items. Unlike the single-record action, this does not allow for record creation.

Configuration Steps:

  1. Follow the same steps as Find a Record, including selecting a Solution, Table, and search settings.

  2. Retrieve Multiple Matches: Records meeting the criteria are returned as Line Items.

Using Line Items:

Zapier Line Items enable batch processing, allowing you to:

  • Update multiple records simultaneously.

  • Perform bulk operations using compatible Zapier actions.

For more on Line Items, refer to Zapier’s documentation.

Practical Scenarios and Use Cases

1. Update a Single Record Dynamically

Scenario: You want to update customer information in SmartSuite using a customer ID from an external system.
Solution: Use the Find a Record action to search by ID and update fields. If no match is found, the action can create a new customer record.

2. Bulk Process Matching Records

Scenario: You need to mark multiple tasks as completed based on specific criteria (e.g., due date).
Solution: Use the Find Many Records action to retrieve the tasks and apply updates to all Line Items.

3. Seamless Record Creation

Scenario: Your workflow needs to add a new sales lead if no matching record exists.
Solution: Configure the Find a Record action with the "Create SmartSuite Record if it Doesn't Exist" option enabled.

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