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CSV/Excel Data Import

Quickly bring your external data into SmartSuite

Peter Novosel avatar
Written by Peter Novosel
Updated over a month ago

Feature Overview Video

Importing Data from CSV and Excel into SmartSuite

SmartSuite makes it easy to import data from files like CSV and Excel to create records for each row. Here's how to get started and ensure a smooth import process.

Plan Availability

All plan types with varying limitations


Import from Solution Menu: Solution Managers and Account Administrators

Import from the Table menu: Users with General Access role which have the following Solution/Table permissions:
- Solution Manager

- Full Access

- Editor

- Contributor

Related Reading

Supported File Types

SmartSuite supports importing data from the following file types:

  • CSV (Comma-Separated Values)

  • Excel

  • ICS (Calendar Files)

  • vCard

How to Start a CSV Import

  1. Open the Import Dialog:

    • Click the small arrow next to the Table's name.

    • Select Import Data and then CSV Import.

  2. Confirming Import Target:

    • The import dialog will open, defaulting to the current Table as the target.

Configuring CSV Import Parameters

Importing involves four simple steps:

  1. Upload Your File

  2. Map Columns to Fields

  3. Review and Modify Data

  4. Complete the Import

Step 1: Upload Your File

  • Drag and drop your CSV / XLSX file into the import dialog, or click Select File to Import.

Key Requirements:

  • The file must be properly formatted as a CSV / XLSX.

  • Primary Field or Record ID values (if matching existing records) must be unique.

  • File size limit: 5 MB.

Note: The maximum number of records per import is 20,000. Plan limitations apply based on your account type and the records already in your solution.

Step 2: Map Columns to Fields

  • Assign each column from your CSV to a corresponding SmartSuite Field, or choose "Do Not Import."

  • You can also create new fields directly during this step.

    • Clicking on the unmapped column, click “Add New”

    • You will be able to rename the column as well as define the data type (field type)

    • All available field types will be listed, which includes nested fields and linked record fields to other tables in the Solution at hand.

Example Mapping:

CSV Column

SmartSuite Field


"Employee Name"

"Start Date"

"Hiring Date"



Step 3: Review and Modify Data

  • Use the importer's built-in editor to validate and clean up your data before finalizing the import.

  • If errors are detected, resolve them using the error dialog or download an error-highlighted Excel file for further edits.

Tip: You can export modified data at any stage for external corrections.

Step 4: Complete the Import

  • Once the data is ready, click Import to finalize the process.

  • Imported data will appear immediately in your SmartSuite Table.

Important: Imports do not generate notifications or trigger automations.

Advanced Import Options

Importing Linked Record Field Values

  • Match linked records by their Primary Field values (comma-separated and enclosed in double quotes) or by their Record ID values.

Best Practices for CSV Imports

  • Start by exporting a CSV from SmartSuite to understand the correct formatting for fields and statuses.

  • Edit your CSV to match the exported format before importing.

  • Save files in CSV format (not XLSX).

Practical Scenarios and Use Cases

1. Employee Onboarding

Scenario: HR imports a list of new hires with details like start date, department, and job role.

Solution: Map CSV columns to fields like "Name," "Start Date," and "Team" to create detailed employee records.

2. Event Management

Scenario: A team needs to import attendee data, including names and RSVPs, for a corporate event.

Solution: Import CSV data into a Table designed for event tracking and communications.

3. Customer Data Integration

Scenario: A sales team imports leads generated from a trade show.

Solution: Match lead information to fields like "Company," "Contact Name," and "Email."

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