Feature Overview Video
Plan Availability | All plan types with varying limitations |
Permissions | Solution Creators - Can create, modify, delete, and manage automation in the Solutions(s) they have Solution Manager access to. |
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Feature Overview
The Time Tracking Log field allows one or more members to log time directly in a record in hour/minute increments. The field captures:
Time: Use natural language to input time, e.g.,
1h 30m
,1hr 30 mins
, or8 hours
.Notes: Add up to 250 characters to specify activities or results from the work effort.
The field also displays the Total Time logged as a summation across all time log entries.
Example Use Case
Consider a scenario where service consultants track time spent on tasks or projects for Client Engagements. For instance, consultants can log time each day or after completing a task, using natural language inputs like “1hr 15m” or “2 hours” to specify how much time they spent. They can then add brief notes—for example, “Reviewing client documentation” or “Preparing project status report”—to capture key details about the work effort.
Over the course of a project, multiple consultants may log time to the same engagement, creating a running total of hours that can be reviewed by project managers or stakeholders.
Adding a Time Tracking Log Field
From Grid View
To add a Time Tracking Log field from the Grid View:
Open the Column Menu: Click the + menu icon after the last column header or open the Column Menu by clicking on a column header's dropdown icon.
Select Add Field: Choose "Add Field to the Right."
Configure the Field: Select "Time Tracking Log" from the options. A configuration window will open where you can customize the field. Use the search bar to quickly find the field by name.
From Record View
To add a Time Tracking Log field from the Record View:
Add a New Field: Click the + sign next to an existing field in an open record to add a new field below.
See the Field in Action: Once added, the Time Tracking field will be visible in the Edit Record View, allowing users to start logging time immediately. The fastest way to add a field from an open Record View is to simply click the + sign next to a current field to add a new field below.
Customizing the Field
Solution Managers can choose between two display formats:
Pill (default): Customize the pill color.
Text (date)
They can also make entries required as needed.
For further guidance, see the article Adding Help Text to Fields.
Logging Time
Users can log time using:
Specific Dates: Specify the date in both Duration and Time Range entry tabs.
Time Range Tab: Define start and end times.
Auto-Time Tracking: Timer
Click the green play button to start the timer.
Add notes in the text box to indicate the task.
A floating pill at the bottom right will display the running time as you navigate through other records, tables, or solutions.
Stop the timer by clicking the red button, which logs the time into the field.
The time logged will automatically appear in the Time Tracking Log field. Use Grouping and the Summary Footer to calculate totals for record groups.
Advanced Tracking: Using TTL in Formulas
The Time Tracking Log field totals time tracked across all users on a record. For granular tracking, use the formula field. Subfields available through dot notation include:
Reported By
Reported On
Reported Time
Example Formula:
To calculate time spent during the current week:
SUM( GET_LIST( [Time Tracking Log].[Reported On] > DATEADD(DATE(DATE_FORMAT(TODAY(), "compact")), -WEEKDAY(TODAY(), "Monday") + 1, "days") AND [Time Tracking Log].[Reported On] < DATEADD(DATE(DATE_FORMAT(TODAY(), "compact")), -WEEKDAY(TODAY(), "Monday") + 6, "days"), [Time Tracking Log].[Reported Time] ) )/ 3600
This formula calculates hours by converting the total seconds logged.
To Show Notes:
Use the following formula to display unique notes across multiple entries:
ARRAYUNIQUE([Time Tracking Log].[Note], " -- ")
Practical Scenarios and Use Cases
1. Client Engagements
Scenario: Service consultants need to track hours spent on client tasks for accurate billing.
Solution: Use the Time Tracking Log field to log hours for each task or project, ensuring precise client invoicing.
2. Internal Team Monitoring
Scenario: A team manager wants to monitor the time spent on tasks across their team.
Solution: Utilize the Time Tracking Log field to track and analyze the productivity of team members, making adjustments as needed.
3. Academic Research Projects
Scenario: A university research team is required to log hours for grant reporting and compliance.
Solution: Use the Time Tracking Log field to record time spent on various research activities and easily summarize the data for grant documentation.