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Dashboards: Pivot Table Widget

Use a pivot table in your dashboard to simplify and summarize your data

Peter Novosel avatar
Written by Peter Novosel
Updated over 4 months ago

Check out the Introduction to Dashboards article to understand the basics of working with widgets.

SmartSuite’s Pivot Table widget helps transform complex data, allowing you to see patterns and trends from multiple angles. The pivot supports grouping and summarization, organizing information into rows and columns that can answer questions like "Which product sold the most?" or "What is the average income per region?"

Note: Pivot Widgets can retrieve data from Apps in any Solution.

With a variety of display formats that include line, bar, column, pie and donut types you'll find the perfect way to visualize your information. Size your chart widgets, or drag and drop them to create the perfect combination of data to illustrate your progress across a department or business function.


  • Sales Analysis: Let’s say you’re a sales manager and you have a large dataset of sales records. You can use a pivot widget to summarize this data and find out which products are selling the most, which region has the highest sales, or how sales have changed over time.

  • Inventory Management: If you’re managing inventory, you can use a pivot to track the quantity of each product in stock, the number of products sold, and the number of products that need to be reordered.

  • Survey Data Analysis: If you’ve conducted a survey and collected responses from participants, you can use a pivot widget to summarize the responses and find trends. For example, you can find out how many participants chose each response for a particular question, right from a dashboard that summarizes survey results.

  • Expense Tracking: If you’re tracking expenses, you can use a pivot to categorize expenses by type, calculate the total amount spent in each category, and compare spending over different time periods.

  • Educational Data: In an educational setting, teachers can use pivot widgets to analyze student performance. For example, they can find the average test score for each student, identify subjects where students are struggling, and track improvement over time.


The Pivot Widget has the following features:


Here you can specify a title for the widget, and optionally toggle on the display of a description for the pivot. The description can be displayed As a Tooltip (appearing when you hover in info icon) or Below the Title (always displayed under the widget's title).


Use this section to specify the Solution and Table you want to retrieve data from. You can optionally include filters to further refine the data presented in the pivot (only opportunities that are Q1 targets, or those belonging to specific sales reps as an example).

Example filter configuration:


This section allows you to configure the field whose values should be used as rows in your pivot (vertical dimension). Select the Field to display, then specify the field to Sort by (which can be different from the displayed field). Finally select a Sort Order, either Ascending or Descending.


With your rows configured, continue configuring by choosing a Field to display as columns. With your field selected you can specify the Sort by field as well as an ascending or descending Sort Order.


This section shows the true power of pivot tables - you can specify what values should be displayed in the pivot cells. You have two options to Summarize by:

  1. Count. Specifying Count for your summarization will count the total records that share both row and column values, displaying that count in the cell.

  2. Field. A Field type summary will use the value of a selected numeric field as the displayed value. When summarizing by field value, you can also select the summary type:

    1. Sum (the default) - the sum of the numeric values

    2. Max - the largest numeric value in the set

    3. Min - the lowest numeric value in the set

    4. Average - the average of all values in the set

Pivot Table Display

Once configured and added to your dashboard, your pivot widget will look something like this:

Note that you can adjust the size of the columns to best accommodate the data you're displaying.

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