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Dashboard Widget: Summary Card

Display key metrics by showing data from your solution or a static value with the Summary Card.

Emma Montgomery avatar
Written by Emma Montgomery
Updated over 2 weeks ago

The Summary Card Widget is designed to provide a quick and clear summary of key metrics by showing data from your solution or a static value. This widget is ideal for tracking important numbers, such as sums, averages, or counts, making it easy to monitor essential data points at a glance.

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Solution Creators: Can add, edit, and manage widgets in the solutions they have access to.

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Benefits of the Summary Card Widget

  1. Quick Insights: Displays key metrics in a simple and concise format, enabling quick decision-making.

  2. Dynamic Sizing: The widget can be resized and supports full-screen mode, adapting to different dashboard layouts.

  3. User-Friendly Interface: Easy to configure with intuitive settings and options.

How to Use the Summary Card Widget

Navigate to your dashboard.

Add Summary Card Widget.

  • Toggle the View / Edit Dashboard Modal and click on "Add Widget button."

  • Locate the "Summary Card" from the widget type options.

Configure the Settings.

  • You will be presented with the following in the widget settings:


  • Solution: Select the solution from which to source data.

  • Table: Choose the table containing the data.

  • Value Type: Choose between Dynamic or Static values.

  • Metric Value: Define the field to be used as the data source.

  • Filter: Apply rules to filter the records included in the calculation.


  • Alignment: Choose between Left and Center alignment.

  • Appearance: Choose between Classic and Modern designs.

  • Size: Select the size of the widget (Small, Medium, Large).

  • Background Color: Select a background color for the widget.

Click "Add Widget" to add the widget to your dashboard.

Editing an Existing Summary Card Widget

Open the Edit Widget Modal:

  • Hover the widget and click the “⚙︎ Edit” menu.

Update Content and Settings:

  • Modify the Solution, Table, Metric Value, Filter, Background Color, and Alignment as needed.

Save Changes:

  • Click "Save" to apply the changes.

Practical Scenarios and Use Cases

1. Sales Performance Tracking

Scenario: The sales team needs to monitor monthly revenue and conversion rates.

Solution: Use the Summary Card Widget to display total sales revenue, average deal size, and conversion percentage in real-time.

2. Project Progress Monitoring

Scenario: A project manager wants to track the number of completed tasks in a sprint.

Solution: Configure the widget to show the count of completed tasks filtered by the current sprint timeframe.

3. Customer Support Metrics

Scenario: A support team needs to track open tickets and average resolution time.

Solution: Set up the widget to show real-time counts of open tickets and dynamically update the average resolution time to ensure efficient support operations.

By using the Summary Card Widget, teams can efficiently track key metrics and make informed decisions based on real-time data.

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