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Conditional Record Sections
Emma Montgomery avatar
Written by Emma Montgomery
Updated over 10 months ago

Solution Managers can now manage the visibility of sections within the open Record View depending on values in other fields. The record’s layout can adapt to certain workflows, showing sections only when they are needed.

To use conditional sections, ensure you have created sections within the record view. If you don't have any sections, you will be prompted to add them before you can use this feature.

Page Settings - Sections Visibility

Creating Conditional Sections

To access the record section visibility settings, click the three dot menu and select "Page Settings."

Click on the "Sections Visibility" tab. From here, you will see a listing of all the sections within your record.

You can then begin creating conditions for your sections by selecting the dropdown.


Only fields from outside the selected section are available for use in the conditions.

For example, the Podcast section below will only be shown when the content type (single selecting field) is "Podcasts." This meaning the Podcast record section will never show if a different category is selected.

Using Filter Groups

In addition, you can use filter groups within the condition.

For example, show the "Design" section when:

  1. Design Status is "Ready for Work"

  2. Filter Group Containing:

    1. Content Type is either Blog Post or Social Post

    2. Link to Design Tickets is not empty

Conditions will be saved once you click the Save button. You will then see an icon next to the section you set the conditions for.

Removing Conditions

To remove all the set conditions, click on "Clear Conditions" in the bottom left corner of the window.

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