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Show / Hide / Manage Fields
Emma Montgomery avatar
Written by Emma Montgomery
Updated over a month ago

Learn how to efficiently manage fields and permissions on records in SmartSuite. Follow the steps below to show/hide fields and configure field-specific permissions directly from the Page Settings modal.

Plan Availability

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Solution Managers: Can manage field visibility, permissions, and settings.

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Open Page Settings

While viewing the record, locate and click on the Page Settings button. This button is typically represented by a gear icon or labeled as "Settings."

Show / Hide Fields

Instead of creating a separate section for hidden fields, you can now manage this directly from the Page Settings modal. Follow these steps:

  1. In the Page Settings modal, you will see a new tab named "Fields" Click on this tab to access the field management options.

  2. By default, all fields are accessible, meaning they are displayed on the edit record page.

  3. Locate or search for the fields you can't find, the fields will display in their prospective sections to easily locate them.

Hide a Field

  • To hide a field, simply click on the eye icon. Upon clicking, the field will now be hidden from the record view.

  • Hiding a field only affects its display on the edit record page. It does not impact other functionalities such as Fields to Display, Sort, or Filter.

Show a Field

  • To show the field, simply click the eye icon again.

Note: if you want to hide an entire section (all fields within a section), you can select the eye icon next to the Section name.

Managing Field Permissions / Settings

From page settings, you can manage permissions you set on each field. Select the first lock icon and the field permission window will display.

From here, you can also access the field settings of each field or section in the record. Click on the gear and the field settings window will display.

Practical Scenarios and Use Cases

1. Departmental Collaboration

Scenario: The HR team needs customized record views for confidential employee data.

Solution: Use field visibility settings to hide sensitive fields from general team members.

2. Project-Specific Access Control

Scenario: A product team wants to restrict access to financial projections.

Solution: Configure field permissions so only managers can edit or view specific fields.

3. Simplified Interfaces for Data Entry

Scenario: Data entry staff need a streamlined view with only relevant fields visible.

Solution: Hide unnecessary fields to make record editing simpler and more efficient.

Additional Resources

Learn more about managing entire sections in the Page settings here.

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