Record Cover Image

Add personalized cover images to record displays

Emma Montgomery avatar
Written by Emma Montgomery
Updated over a week ago

Cover Images is a powerful feature in SmartSuite that allows users to enhance the visual appeal of their data by adding personalized cover images to record displays. This feature enables users to pull images from existing fields, providing a visually engaging experience and aiding in quick identification of information as users navigate through records.

Enabling Cover Images

Solution Managers can easily enable the Cover Image feature from the Settings tab on the Record Page. The following steps guide you through the process:

Access Record Page Settings:

  • Navigate to the Record Page of your SmartSuite application.

  • Locate and click on the "Settings" tab.

Choose Files and Images Field:

  • Within the Settings tab, look for the option to enable Cover Images.

  • Choose an existing Files and Images field that contains the desired images for use as cover images.

Enable Cover Image:

  • Once you've selected the appropriate field, find the option to enable the Cover Image feature.

  • Confirm your selection to activate the feature.

Using Cover Images

With Cover Images enabled, the first file from the selected Files and Images field will be automatically set as the cover image for the record.
Users can take advantage of this feature in the following ways:

Visual Engagement:

- Enhance the user experience by adding a visual element to each record.

- Make your data more engaging and appealing.

Quick Identification:

- Users can quickly identify records based on the cover image, streamlining navigation through the application.

File Types:

- Cover Images support not only image files but also any other supported file types.

- Clicking on the cover image opens the Files Gallery, allowing users to access and view additional files.

Important Notes

Supported File Types:

- Cover Images support a variety of file types, not limited to images. Users can use any file type that is supported by SmartSuite.

Files Gallery:

- Clicking on the cover image opens the Files Gallery, providing users with access to view and manage all files associated with the record.

Default Cover Image:

- The first file from the selected field is automatically set as the cover image. Ensure that the desired image is the first one in the chosen field.

The Cover Images feature in SmartSuite adds a personalized touch to your data, making it visually appealing and aiding in quick identification. Solution Managers can easily enable this feature from the Record Page Settings, providing users with a more engaging and efficient experience when navigating records.

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