The SmartSuite Community was created to help you interact with other SmartSuite users, ask and answer questions, learn more about the platform and product updates, and see how other customers are using SmartSuite.
Here are a few simple guidelines for maximizing your SmartSuite Community experience:
How to ask a question
Clearly state the SmartSuite feature/topic you're referencing.
Clearly raise the question and/or confusion you are seeking support with
Tag your post with relevant tags
How to start a discussion
Clearly indicate the topic of discussion.
Reference similar discussions and/or resources.
Share your experience.
How to request new features
Post in the SmartSuite Provide Feedback Space.
Clearly describe the feature.
Include a supporting business use case.
Provide examples.
How to report bugs or security issues
Please report bugs in Provide Feedback > Report A Bug.