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Record Title (Primary Field)

What is a primary field, its adjustable properties and view displays & converting to Auto-Generated

Peter Novosel avatar
Written by Peter Novosel
Updated over a month ago

What is a Primary Field?

Every SmartSuite Table has a Record Title (Primary Field). This field serves as a short, descriptive representation of a record and is used as the label for the record when users need to select it.

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Workspace Admins, Solution Creators and Solution Managers: Can create, modify, delete, and manage Primary fields in their solutions.

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How is the Record Title Field Displayed in Different Views?

Grid View

  • Displayed as the first column in the Grid.

  • Only the Auto-Number field can replace it as the first column.

  • Always included in the view and cannot be removed from the "Fields to Display" selector.

Positioning Notes:

  • When replaced by the Auto-Number field, the Primary Field moves to column two.

Card and Kanban Views

  • Used as the title of record cards, making it the primary identifier for each card.

Calendar and Timeline Views

  • Displayed as the label for records.

  • Longer Primary Field values are truncated with a "..." indicator.

Map View

  • Appears in:

    • Dialogs that open when clicking on a map location pin.

    • The expandable record list on the right of the map.

Working with the Record Title Field

Record Title Properties

  • Text Type: Always set to Text, as it is meant to be user-friendly and identify records.

  • Conversion: Can only be converted to an Auto-Generated field.

Adjustable Properties

  1. Require Entries to be Unique:

    • Prevents duplicate values in the field.

    • Prompts users to change duplicate entries when creating or updating records.

  2. Require an Entry:

    • Ensures every record has an identifiable title.

    • Helps display records properly in Saved Views.

How to Adjust These Properties:

  • Open the Record Title dropdown.

  • Navigate to the Manual Input tab.

  • Select the desired options.

Changing Record Titles to Auto-Generated

  • Open the Record Title dropdown.

  • Navigate to the Auto-Generated tab.

  • Build a custom title by combining:

    • Static text.

    • Fields from your data as variables.

For more details, read:

  • Using the Auto-Generated Title Field here.

  • Auto-Generated Number Field (Auto Number) here.

Practical Scenarios and Use Cases

1. Tracking Unique Customer Data

Scenario: A sales team needs to track unique customer details such as names or company information to ensure no duplicates.

Solution: Enable the "Require Unique Entries" setting to avoid duplicate customer records. This ensures data integrity across all records.

2. Managing Event Registrations

Scenario: An event organizer wants to ensure every registration has a unique ticket ID and required attendee information.

Solution: Use the Record Title field to set unique ticket identifiers and require entries to ensure every registration is properly documented.

3. Creating Auto-Generated Project Names

Scenario: A project manager wants to streamline naming conventions for new projects using predefined patterns.

Solution: Configure the Record Title field to use Auto-Generated settings, combining static text like "Project" with variables such as dates or team names, ensuring consistency across all projects.

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