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Dashboard Widget: Banner
Emma Montgomery avatar
Written by Emma Montgomery
Updated over a month ago

Enhance your dashboards with the Simple Banner Widget—a versatile tool to add a striking visual element and set the tone for your dashboard. Positioned at the top, it combines aesthetics and functionality to provide an engaging user experience.

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The Simple Banner Widget is designed to:

  • Help users quickly grasp the page's context.

  • Add rich, formatted text and visuals for a polished look.

  • Include interactive buttons for seamless navigation and actions.

Customization Options

General Tab (Content & Formatting)

This section allows you to enter and format the banner text with rich text editor (RTE) functionalities:

  • Caption, Title, and Subtitle

    • Add a caption for emphasis.

    • Use bold titles for clear headings.

    • Include subtitles for additional context.

  • Rich Text Formatting

    • Font size, text colors, alignment

    • Bold, italic, underline, highlights

    • Bullet points and numbering

    • Hyperlinks for navigation

Style Tab (Background & Spacing)

Customize the visual appearance of the Banner Widget:

  • Background Options

    • Solid Color: Select from predefined colors or use custom hex codes.

    • Image Upload: Upload a custom background image.

    • Image Fit Options:

      • Contain: Fits inside the container without cropping.

      • Cover: Fills the entire container, potentially cropping edges.

      • Fill: Stretches to cover the full space.

      • Scale Down: Shrinks the image proportionally to fit.

  • Spacing & Widget Width

    • Adjust padding: S, M, L, XL

    • Widget width:

      • Fixed: Respects the standard dashboard widget width.

      • Full Width: Expands across the entire dashboard width.

Action Buttons Tab (Interactivity)

Enhance your banner with interactive buttons:

  • Alignment: Left, Center, Right

  • Size Options: Small, Medium, Large

  • Button Properties:

    • Label: Define the button text.

    • Background Color: Choose a button color.

    • Text Color: Select between light or dark text.

    • Actions:

      • Open a URL: Directs users to an external link.

      • Trigger a Workflow: Launches an automated process.

      • Open a Form: Displays an input form.

    • Open link in: Same tab or new tab.

Editing an Existing Banner Widget

To modify a banner widget:

  1. Hover over the widget.

  2. Click the Settings (gear) icon.

  3. Adjust the text, background, or button settings as needed.

Practical Use Cases and Scenarios

1. Customer Success Dashboard

Scenario: A support team wants a welcoming banner with a "Contact Us" button for easy customer inquiries.
Solution: Add a "Welcome to SmartSuite" banner with a button linking to the support form.

2. Product Launch Dashboard

Scenario: A company wants to highlight a new product release.
Solution: Use a custom background with branding, along with a "Learn More" button linking to the product page.

3. Event Planning Dashboard

Scenario: An event organizer needs to provide key event details at a glance.
Solution: Add a banner with event dates and a "Register Now" button linking to the signup form.

The Simple Banner Widget is a powerful tool for adding both visual appeal and functionality to your SmartSuite dashboard. Customize it to fit your needs and enhance user experience effortlessly!

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