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Share Solutions

Share solutions and their data outside of SmartSuite and copy your Solutions into different workplaces

Emma Montgomery avatar
Written by Emma Montgomery
Updated over a week ago

SmartSuite is a powerful and flexible no-code tool that can be used for a wide variety of tasks, from project management to inventory tracking. One of its most useful features is the ability to share Solutions with other users.

A shared Solution provides read-only access to the data stored in the Solution's Tables. This is particularly handy for communicating information to non-SmartSuite users, as no account or login is required to access the data you have shared (though it can be password protected - more on that later in this article).

In addition to sharing the Solution's record data, you can optionally enable a Copy Solution button that lets SmartSuite Members (with the appropriate permissions) to duplicate the Solution, installing it into their own Workspace. The copied Solution includes all of the fields and data from the original Solution.

This ability to copy entire Solutions allows consultants to share pre-built Solutions they have designed with their customers, or SmartSuite community members to share the Solutions they create with one another or create a publicly facing data set.

Subscription Availability

All SmartSuite plans include this feature

Required Permissions

  • Administrator

  • Solution Manager for the Solution

Sharing a Solution

As an Administrator or Solution Manager for a Solution, you can click the Solution dropdown menu button and you will see the Share Solution button. This will open the Publicly share this solution configuration panel where you can enable sharing, configure sharing options, and get a link or embed code to the shared Solution.

Solution Configuration Options

Once the panel is opened you have several configuration options, from enabling sharing through controlling whether to allow users to copy the Solution and requiring a passcode to access the shared Solution.

Share this Solution Toggle

Solutions are not shared by default. The toggle button displayed in this section enables sharing. The Solution's shareable link and embed code will be enabled as soon as this toggle is set to the enabled state, no save or other action is required. This link or embed code is unique to the Solution.

Note that the enabled state positions the white circle in the toggle switch to the right side of the toggle, as shown in the image below:

Once the Solution is shared, icons on your home page and next to the Solution's name when in the solution let you know that it has been shared.

Shareable Link Section

The Shareable Link section of the configuration panel contain the Shared Solution URL as well as several options for copying the link, accessing the embed code, regenerating the link, and opening the Shared Solution in a new tab.

Here are details on the function of each button displayed in this section:

  • Copy Shared Tab. Clicking this button will copy the link to your clipboard.

  • Regenerate Shared Link. Click this button to disable the current link and generate a new one. NOTE: This permanently disables the prior link - users will need the new link to once again access the Shared Solution.

  • Copy Embed Code. Clicking this icon copies HTML to your clipboard that can be used to embed the shared Solution in your own website (in an iFrame).

  • Preview Shared Link. A click on this icon will open the shared Solution in a new tab, allowing you to see how it will look. Note that if the Shared Solution has been protected with a passcode you will be required to enter it before it will display.

Settings Section

The settings section contains two options, both of which are disabled by default. checking either option will immediately enable it for the shared link, without the need to close the shared link configuration dialog.

  • Allow users to copy this solution. This option, when selected, enables the Copy Solution button on the Shared Solution. This allows other SmartSuite Members with either the Administrator or Solution Creator role to install a copy of the Solution and its data in their own Workspace.

  • Restrict access with a passcode. Checking this option will open a Set Passcode dialog box, allowing you to specify the passcode. NOTE: The passcode must be at least 6 characters in length - the Set Passcode button will be disabled until 6 or more characters are entered.

Accessing a Shared Solution

There are several ways to access a shared solution:

  • Open the Shared Link in a browser. You can simply paste the URL into your browser to access the Shared Solution.

  • Click the Preview Shared Link button to have a new tab opened and the Shared Solution displayed.

  • Embed the Shared Solution in an HTML page. Use the Copy Embed Code button to get an HTML snippet that places the shared Solution in an iFrame that can be incorporated into an existing website. Note that you can configure the width and height parameters to suit your implementation.

Passcode-protected Shared Solutions

If you chose to protect your Shared Solution with a passcode, users will be required to enter that passcode before the Solution is displayed. Simply enter the passcode and click Enter to be allowed access.

Users who enter an incorrect passcode will be presented with an error message and will not be allowed access to the Shared Solution until they provide the correct code.

Copying a Shared Solution

If you've allowed users to copy the solution, you'll see a Copy Solution button in the top right corner of the Solution's header.

Clicking on this button will bring up a menu prompting you to pick a workspace where you have the appropriate permissions to create a new solution (Administrator or Solution Creator role). If the user is not currently logged in to a SmartSuite Workspace, they will receive a notice that they must first log in to a Workspace.

NOTE: If the user clicking the Copy Solution button does not have permission to create new Solutions in any of their SmartSuite workspaces, an error is displayed to inform the user that the copy action is not possible.

Copied Solution Details

While the Copy Solution function maintains the majority of the Solution's structure, there are several differences that you should keep in mind when copying Solutions. The following changes are made in the process:

  • All assignees in Assigned To fields, Checklist items and comments are changed to the installing user. (Note: In a future update this behavior will change, with the system instead creating "placeholder" users with the same names that can be removed after installation.)

  • Linked Records fields referencing Tables within the Shared Solution remain intact.

  • Linked Records fields referencing Tables external to the Shared Solution will be created but not linked. They will display an error icon as their value until the Solution Manager or Administrator selects a target Table.

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