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Keyboard Shortcuts

Speed up your workflows by using SmartSuite keyboard shortcuts

Emma Montgomery avatar
Written by Emma Montgomery
Updated over 3 weeks ago

Plan Availability

All plan types


General Access: Available to all users

General Shortcuts

Shortcut (Windows)

Shortcut (Mac)


Ctrl + Z

Command (⌘) + Z

Undo action

Ctrl + Y

Command (⌘) + Y

Redo action

Ctrl + Shift + K

Command (⌘) + Shift + K

Open/Close navigation

Grid View Shortcuts

Shortcut (Windows)

Shortcut (Mac)


Mouse Hover + Space

Mouse Hover + Space

Open Record

Cell Click + Shift + Space

Cell Click + Shift + Space

Expand Cell

Shift + Arrow

Shift + Arrow

Select multiple cells

Shift + Ctrl + Arrow

Shift + Command (⌘) + Arrow

Select entire column or row

Ctrl + C

Command (⌘) + C

Copy one or multiple cells

Ctrl + A

Command (⌘) + A

Copy all cells



Delete one or multiple cells

Shift + Enter

Shift + Enter

Create a new record inline

Record Modal Shortcuts

Shortcut (Windows)

Shortcut (Mac)


Ctrl + O

Command (⌘) + O

Create new record

Ctrl + S

Command (⌘) + S

Save and continue editing

Shift + Ctrl + S

Shift + Command (⌘) + S

Save and close a record

Ctrl + L

Command (⌘) + L

Save and open the previous record

Ctrl + R

Command (⌘) + R

Save and open the next record

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