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SmartDoc Feature: Formatting

Add emphasis and call attention to your content with SmartDoc formatting

Peter Novosel avatar
Written by Peter Novosel
Updated over a year ago

SmartSuite always strives to give you control over your work, with customization options to make things just right. SmartDoc fields play a key role in providing this freedom, with support for a wide variety of formatting, styling, and design options to make your content shine.

In addition to text formatting, you can also modify the layout of your SmartDoc page by adding tables, images, videos, and other multimedia content.

Why should I customize the content of my SmartDoc?

With remote work and often-exclusively online interaction with our teams, it is more important than ever to communicate clearly and call people's attention to high-priority information. SmartDoc's flexible formatting options give you the power you would typically find in stand-alone document management/creation tools - but embedded right inside your SmartSuite table to make it seamless to go from planning your work to doing your work.

Here are a few ideas to put all this power to work:

  • Use Section Header formatting to automatically create collapsible sections to help Members navigate through large amounts of content.

  • Use a SmartDoc Section to add a warning or instructions for critical tasks.

  • Highlight a best practice or "pro tip" in documentation

  • Use a table to make it easy to read through technical information.

  • Use Callouts to emphasize success and error conditions for a test that needs to be performed

  • Use a table of contents to summarize a large document and make navigating it a snap.

  • Embed a short GIF video that illustrates the point you're making in the SmartDoc's text.

  • Images are sometimes worth a thousand words - use them to emphasize a point and incorporate them in just the right way with SmartDoc's advanced image formatting options.

Formatting SmartDoc Content

Text formatting

You will find that SmartDocs offer you the text formatting options that you're used to in other document editors, with bold, italics, size, color and alignment options galore!

Options include:

  • Text Style. Select from normal, small or one of 6 Header styles. Headings allow you to collapse content, and smaller headings collapse within larger headings.

  • Format. Toggle bold, italic, underline and strike-through formatting.

  • Alignment. Choose whether your content is left aligned (the default), centered or right-aligned.

  • Text Color. Choose from 10 text color options.

  • Highlight Color. The same 10 color options are available as background colors for your text.

  • Code Block. Turn your current paragraph into a Code Block, which supports syntax highlighting for a large number of popular programming and markup languages.

  • Link. Hyperlink the selected text.

  • Quote Block. Turn the current paragraph into a Quote Block, which places a vertical line to the left of the content to give it a distinctive look.

About Headings (aka Collapsible Sections!)

Setting a line of text to a Heading style makes that text function as a section header. Sections are collapsible, allowing you to hide or show content under them, up to the next equal-level section (i.e. if you have an H1 heading that contains two H2 headings, the H2 "sections" will be hidden as well if you roll up the H1 section).

Here's the Header-based section rollup in action:

Embedding Links

In addition to the text formatting bar's Link option, SmartDoc will recognize Url's typed or pasted into their contents and format them as a clickable link. They'll look like this:

SmartDoc also supports two additional linking options - inserting a link to a SmartSuite record, and inserting a link to a SmartSuite saved view. Both of these options are available via the Slash-Command menu.

Link to a SmartSuite record

This slash-command option inserts a clickable link to a specific SmartSuite record. Configuration requires only a couple of steps:

  1. Type / at the beginning of a line or after a space

  2. Select Link to a Record

  3. Select the record you want to link to

TIP: You can open the Link to Record dialog anywhere within a SmartDoc by typing a hashtag # symbol. Pick a record and the link is inserted right there!

Link to a SmartSuite saved view

This option is coming soon!


Three list formats are available, allowing you to create numbered and bullet lists, or create an on-the-fly checklist.

To create a bulleted (unordered) list:

  1. Type - or * followed by a space, OR

  2. Highlight text then click the unordered list formatting toolbar icon

To create a numbered list:

  1. Type 1. followed by a space (or 2. space to start numbering at 2, etc.) OR

  2. Highlight text then click the numbered list formatting toolbar icon

To create a checklist:

  1. Insert text for your first checklist item

  2. Highlight all or a portion of the item and click the checklist formatting toolbar icon


To add a Table to your SmartDoc, follow these simple steps:

  1. Type a / character at the start of a new line

  2. Type all or part of the word table or scroll to the item with your mouse (it's in the Advanced section)

  3. Click Insert Table

Inside the table, click the 3-dot (...) menu for table formatting options:

Learn all about SmartDoc Table features and formatting in this article.

Images, Attachments and Multimedia

Make your SmartDoc come alive by including images, an informative GIF, videos or file attachments!

Inserting an Image or GIF

There are two ways to insert images or GIFs:

  • Select Insert Image from the slash-command menu

  • Drag and drop the image or GIF onto the SmartDoc

Get all the details about adding images in this article.

Inserting a Video

This feature is coming soon!

Inserting an Attachment

You can embed file attachments directly into your SmartDoc in one of two ways:

  • Select Insert Attachment from the slash-command menu

  • Drag and drop the Attachment onto the SmartDoc (note that any image that is dropped onto the SmartDoc will be displayed on the page - attach image files from the slash-command menu to have them appear as downloadable links!)

Once attached, files appear in a list like this one:

Table of Contents

Is your SmartDoc getting big, and finding content is becoming a challenge? Aid readers' navigation by adding a Table of Contents. Just follow these steps:

  1. Type a / character at the start of a new line

  2. Type all or part of the words table of contents or scroll to the item with your mouse (it's in the Advanced section)

  3. Click Table of Contents

Read more about this automatically-updated navigation feature in this article.

Callouts, Code Blocks and more

Want to make your text really jump out at readers? You can format areas of your SmartDoc as Callouts or Code Blocks. Need to separate things a bit to make it clear that the reader is in a new section? Insert a Divider Line to give them a visual cue.

Inserting a Callout

Callouts format your content by adding a background color and an icon, indenting the content and adding a border.

  1. Type a / character at the start of a new line

  2. Type all or part of the word callout or scroll to the item with your mouse (it's in the Advanced section)

  3. Click Insert Callout

For a deeper dive into the Callout embed, please refer to this article.

Inserting a Code Block

There are two ways to add Code Blocks - either through the slash-command menu, or by using markup in your SmartDoc text.

From the slash-command menu:

  1. Type a / character at the start of a new line or after a space

  2. Type all or part of the words code block or scroll to the item with your mouse (it's in the Advanced section)

  3. Click Insert Code Block

From text (markdown):

You can add a Code Block in a flash by typing ``` (three consecutive backtick characters) at the beginning of a line.

Read more about Code Blocks in this article.

Inserting a Divider Line

It's a snap to add a divider to your SmartDoc - just follow these steps:

  1. Type a / character at the start of a new line

  2. Type all or part of the words divider line or scroll to the item with your mouse (it's in The Basics section)

  3. Click Insert Divider Line

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