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Power Search

Find What You Need Instantly with Power Search

Peter Novosel avatar
Written by Peter Novosel
Updated over 8 months ago

Feature Overview Video

Search for content across every part of SmartSuite. Just start typing to find records, files, or members across your SmartSuite Workspace.

Accessing Power Search

Power Search is available from any page in SmartSuite, and is accessed by clicking the search icon in the top bar. When you're done searching, click the X icon in the upper-right of the search window, or simply click outside of the window to close it.

Advanced Filters and Operators

Filter by SmartSuite Solution to quickly narrow results, sort and group results. A variety of search operators are also available to zero in on exactly what you're looking for. Here is a guide to using these special operators:

+ (AND) Operator

Typing a + tells Power Search to perform an AND operation (i.e. that both terms required). Example searches:

  • Kansas + City ➡ Matches items containing both "Kansas" and "City"

  • "project A" + task ➡ Matches items containing the phrase "project A" and the word task

| (OR) Operator

Typing the | (a "pipe" character, the vertical line) tells Power Search to perform an OR operation (that either term is required, not both). Example searches:

  • Chicago | Cubs ➡ returns items containing either the word Chicago or the word Cubs

  • project | "assigned task" ➡ returns items containing either "project" or the complete phrase "assigned task"

- (Negation) Operator

A minus symbol - negates a single word or phrase, instructing search to not return items that contain it. Examples:

  • green -blue ➡ returns items containing the word "green" that do not include the word "blue"

  • -"test record" ➡ returns items that do not include the phrase "test record"

" (Phrase) Operator

Wrapping multiple words in double quotes " instructs power search to find the entire phrase. Example:

  • "The quick brown fox" ➡ returns items that contain the entire phrase "The quick brown fox"

* (Prefix) Operator

Typing an asterisk * at the end of a term performs a prefix query, matching words that start with the specified term. Examples:

  • it* ➡ would match items that contain the words "item" or "itinerary"

  • astro* ➡ would match items containing "astroturf" or "astronaut"

( ) (Grouping) Operators

Including ( and ) signify precedence or create a grouping of search phrases. Here is an example:

  • (ny | (new + york)) city ➡ matches items with the term "ny" or the conjunction "new" and "york"

~N (Fuzziness) Operator

Typing a tilde character followed by a number ~N after a word signifies sets the "fuzziness" of the search, which is the number of single character changes that need to be made to one word to make it the same as another word. For example:

  • moose ~1 ➡ would match "goose" but not the word "mongoose"

  • telephone ~8 ➡ would match "phone" and "teleprompter"

~N (Nearness) Operator

Specifying ~N after a phrase indicates the maximum number of positions allowed between matching search terms. Think of this as "nearness" - take the following search:

  • blue + green ~5 ➡ returns any matching item where the word blue is within 5 characters of the word green, so "blue and green" would match

Search Item Types

Search Records

Search every value of every field in all your solutions. Results are grouped by solution and you can quickly filter by solution to narrow your results and find what you need - quickly.

Solution template

Search Comments

Search across all comments across the entire workspace. Results are sorted initially by relevance, and can be changed to sort by recency.

Clicking into the result will take you directly to Comment within the open Record.

Search Files

SmartSuite makes it easy to find files attached to records, displaying cards with previews to spot images or file types at-a-glance.

Solution template

Search Members

Use Power Search to find team members. Results are displayed as mini-member profile cards, showing their name, role and department, along with profile and background images they've added.

Solution template

Recently Searches

SmartSuite tracks and displays recently accessed items in Power Search, including solutions, saved views, records and workspace admin pages.

Solution template

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