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Social Network Field

Add links to one or more social networks within a record

Jon Darbyshire avatar
Written by Jon Darbyshire
Updated over a week ago

The Social Network field makes it easy to add links to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn to records. It's great for:

  • Following social media accounts of contacts and organizations in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solutions.

  • Creating quick links for Marketing teams to track social media campaign performance.

  • Keeping track of noteworthy social content related to topics kept in SmartSuite solutions.

Adding a Social Network field

From Grid View

Click the + menu icon after the last column header or open the Column Menu by clicking on a column header's dropdown icon and then select "Add Field to the Right."

Select "Social Network," and a window will open to configure the field. You can search the name for a quick find.

From Record View

The fastest way to add a field from an open Record View to is simply click the + sign next to a current field to add a new field below.

See a Social Network field being added in Edit Record View below:

Customizing the field

Solution Managers can select the social networks to include in the record display, and opt to make an entry required in new records.

Simply check the box next to the social network options to be displayed as an option in your views.

Solution Managers can determine whether to require an entry in this field.

πŸ”Ž Check out quick article on Adding Help Text to fields.

Examples of Use

Sales CRM

Keep tabs on account social networks.

Track Marketing Campaigns

Map social networks to all your marketing campaigns.

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