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Roles in SmartSuite

Understand the three types of SmartSuite user roles, their capabilities, and how to set them up or change them

Peter Novosel avatar
Written by Peter Novosel
Updated over a week ago

SmartSuite supports four roles for User accounts (which we call Members) that define their basic workspace-level permissions. The following roles are supported:

  • Guest

  • General Access

  • Solution Creator

  • Workspace Administrator

Guest Role

The Guest user role is a free user type who has limited access to the system's features and functions. They are able to only view and comment on records they've been assigned through our Assigned To field and can modify status fields checklist items assigned to them.

Note: Guests can change the status field from their My Work and in both the Record or Grid View for the records/checklist items they are assigned to.

The guest user offering is based on plan type, including:

  • Free plan - (1) 1 guest role user

  • Team plan - (1:1) Up to 1 guest role users per paid Team user

  • Pro plan - (3:1) Up to 3 guest role users per paid Pro user

  • Enterprise plan - (5:1) Up to 5 guest role users per paid Enterprise user

General Access Role

The General access role is assigned to most Members, providing them access to Solutions, Tables and their data as assigned to them or one of their Teams. General users cannot modify SmartSuite Solution configuration or change permissions, but can take advantage of communications functions, @mentions, starred items, and much more.

General Access user can do that if they get assigned Solution Manager permissions in a given solution.

General users cannot modify SmartSuite Solution configurations, Table structures or change permissions unless they are added as a Solution Manager.

Here are examples of what General access Members can do in SmartSuite when they are NOT a Solution Manager:

  • Edit their own Profile (name, birthday, contact info, etc.)

  • View the Member Directory and individual Member Profiles

  • View and comment on records they are given access to

  • View and download saved views and their data

  • View user statuses and set their own status

When a General Access user IS a Solution Manager, a number of additional capabilities are added within the Solutions they are made a Manager of:

  • Access all General user features

  • Modify their Solution's name, color, icon, and description

  • Import data into their Tables

  • Create and modify Tables in their assigned Solution(s)

  • Duplicate Tables

  • Link Tables together with Linked Record fields

  • Add, modify, or delete fields

  • Create automations for their Solution(s)

  • Configure permissions for their Solution(s)

  • Restore deleted Tables and fields from the recycle bin

Solution Creator Role

The only difference between Solution Creator and General Access roles is that Solution Creators can create new solutions, while General Access users – cannot.

Solution Creators do get Solution Manager permissions by default in a Solution they’ve created, but that’s not a lifetime privilege. For example, they can be downgraded to Viewers.

General Access users can get Solution Manager permissions in solutions that other people have created.

Also note: Solution Creators can lose access to solutions they’ve created if another Solution Manager kicks them out.

Creating Solutions from a Solution Template

SmartSuite features a library of more than 200 solution templates that allow Solution Creators to add new solutions based on a best-practices structure that had been developed in conjunction with subject matter experts. These templates provide a solid foundation in a particular capability area, accelerating time to value and allowing SmartSuite customers to get right to the work they need to do.

For more information about Solution Templates, please refer to this article that explains where they are located, how to add them and what options are available.

Creating Solutions from scratch

Solution Creators can opt to create their new solution from scratch, providing them with the building blocks to develop an environment for any type of work and its associated data.

This article dives into detail about the creation process and provides an overview and additional links to get you building as quickly as possible.

Workspace Administrator Role

The Administrator role gives a user the highest level of access to your SmartSuite workspace, allowing them to: perform EVERY system function, view and edit any information in SmartSuite, and configure administrative settings such as subscription plan and payment method.

For example, Admins can:

  • Create, edit, and delete Member profiles

  • Invite new Members via email

  • Create, edit, and delete Teams

  • Create, edit, and delete Tables and Fields

  • Install Solution Templates

  • View, edit, and download saved views

  • View other users' private saved views

  • View usage logs and disconnect users

  • Customize SmartSuite's terminology (edit what your organization calls "Employees", etc.)

  • Enable and set up Integrations (Google, Slack, etc.)

  • Set default workspace settings (language, locale, etc.)

  • Configure company working days and holiday calendars

  • Select SmartSuite plan, billing frequency, payment method, and billing address

Role Setup & Configuration

How do I assign a specific role to a new Member?

In the Invite New Members dialog, just select the role that you want to be assigned to the new Member(s).

Learn more about modifying user profiles here.

How do I change an existing user's role?

Easily done, just select the role you want to assign for that user in the Manage Members dialog - the new role is applied instantly.

Learn more about changing a Member role here.

Solution Managers

The "Solution Manager" permission was mentioned previously in this article. Solution Manager is a permission, not a role, and must be assigned on a per-Solution basis. Solution managers assume limited administrative capabilities for their assigned Solutions(s), giving them control over public views, Tables, and their fields, field placement on the edit record page, and all of the Solution's data.

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