Feature Overview Video
Available Solution Permissions
Private to me. This is the default permission mode. This permission level restricts the solution to only yourself and any other Account Administrators in the workspace. It is perfect for creating and managing solutions for your team before eventually setting them live with the proper access.
All Members have full access. Solutions with this permission level are open to all users in your SmartSuite workspace. Anyone can create, read, update, and delete all records in the solution.
Only these Team have full access. This permissions setting allows you to narrow that "all access" scope to just one or more Teams that you specify. This permissions mode is perfect for Solutions being used internally by a specific team, like Human Resources, Executive Management, or Sales.
Advanced Permissions. This mode allows you to customize solution permissions for individual teams and even specific individuals, granting four different levels of permission ranging from full access to read only. This is a more advanced topic and will be covered in a separate article.
Note: Solution Managers are listed along the bottom of the dialog. The original Solution Creator (or Administrator) that creates a Solution is the initial Solution Manager. Solution Managers have full access to the solution, including the ability to configure permissions.
The Solution Creator - as well as Administrators and other Solution Managers - can add or remove Solution Managers at their discretion. See this article for more details.
Table Permissions
Available Table Permissions
Unlike Solution permissions, you’ll notice that there are two options available:
Inherit from Solution
This default mode allows permissions to just flow down from the Solution, allowing all Members with permissions to the parent Solution to have the same level of access that is specified there.
Override Solution Permissions
Select the Override Solution Permissions option to get started configuring permissions that are specific to your Table. This setting allows the Solution Manager to further restrict access to the selected Table.
When you add Members or Teams to the Table's permission list, you must specify a level of access. The following options are available:
Full Access. The Members or Teams have full access to the records in the Table and can create, edit and delete any of them.
Editor. The Members or Teams can create and edit their own records, but only view records created by other users.
Contributor. The Members or Teams can create and edit their own records, but only edit other records if they are mentioned in an Assigned To field.
Assignee. The Members or Teams can view and edit content they have been assigned, but cannot create, view, or edit any other content.
Assignee+. The Members or Teams can view and edit content they have been assigned and create new content that is auto-assigned to them, but cannot view or edit any other content.
Commenter. The Members or Teams can view all content but cannot create or edit any content.
Viewer. The selected Members or Teams have read-only access to the records and cannot make any changes, create new records or delete existing ones.
As with Solution-level permissions, Members with the Administrator role or who have been added as Solution Managers for the current solution always have access to all data and configuration options within the Table.
Field Permissions
Available Field Permissions:
Who can View Setting
There are four options for determining who can view the field:
Everyone (by default)
Everyone except
Selected Members and Teams
Everyone: Any member of the Table can see the field. This includes all members that have at least a Guest access to the Table and for records, they have viewing access. This is the default setting.
Everyone Except: Any member of the Table can see the field, except selected members or teams. For example, everyone except Guests.
Selected Members and Teams: Only visible to the members, teams, or permission groups explicitly added.
Nobody: Hidden from all users and only Solution Owners can view it.
Note: The Primary field and Auto-number Field cannot be set to Nobody
Who can Edit Setting
The second field permission option is specifying who can edit the field. Note: the members must already have viewing permissions to be an available selection for editing.
Similar to the view settings, there are four options for determining who can edit the field:
Everyone (by default)
Everyone except
Selected Members and Teams
Everyone: Set by default and indicates (out of the members who can view the field) those who have permission to edit a record can also edit the field. This is the default setting.
Table-level permissions prevail as viewers are able to view the field, but this does not give them rights to edit,
Everyone Except: Any member of the Table can edit the field, except selected members or teams. For example, everyone except Contributors and the HR Team.
Selected Members and Teams: Field will be editable for only the members, teams, or permission groups explicitly added.
They have permission to view the fields
They are capable of editing a particular record
For example, only HR Team and Contributed can edit this field..
Nobody: The field becomes read-only for all Table members. No one aside from the Solution owners can edit this field. All-ready only fields will be hard set to Nobody.
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