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Fields to Display

Display or hide fields to customize your saved views

Jon Darbyshire avatar
Written by Jon Darbyshire
Updated over a week ago

The Fields to Display control in the Report Toolbar is the starting point for working with views and saved views and is available in Grid, Card, and Kanban view types. Calendar, Timeline, Map, and Chart views automatically display set fields.

How to Display/Hide Fields

In the Saved View toolbar, select Fields to Display.

From the window, you can select fields to add to the view and X which fields you want to remove.

Grid View

Fields to Display allows members to select the fields to include in the grid as columns. Once you select Fields to Display, grab fields and reorder using drag & drop. This will reorder the columns in the display as well.

Card & Kanban Views

Fields to Display in Card and Kanban views control:

  • Fields (data) visible on cards

  • Cover Images to display, providing the ability to select from any Files & Images field type in the record

Selected fields can be reordered on cards by grabbing to the left of the field and using drag & drop.

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