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Map View

Visualize work in the physical world, anywhere on Earth.

Jon Darbyshire avatar
Written by Jon Darbyshire
Updated over a week ago

Feature Overview Video

Map View can be used with any records containing at least one Address Field. Map View uses Google Maps to display address locations, and supports a wide variety of display options to help you visualize geographic data.

To get started, select "Map" in the view control to generate Map View.

The Report Toolbar Introduction outlines the primary controls for modifying views - many of which are available in Map View - and provides links to dive deeper into each control's functionality.

Map View is highly visual, and it presents records as pins on a map. The Map Settings control can customize elements on the map to enhance usability for specific use cases.

Map Settings

Select between five aesthetic views, Roadmap (default), Satellite, Hybrid, Silver, and Retro.

The Marker Style & Color options provide easy ways to make your records stand out.

Dial up or dial back elements on the map depending on your use case. Point of Interest, for example, may be highly relevant for residential real estate applications but less so for infrastructure construction projects.

Add a radius around record locations. This is useful for defining sales territories, delivery radiuses, hyper-local marketing campaigns, etc.

Viewing Records

Clicking on a record "pin" on the Map view displays a card with the Record Title and Address. Expand Record opens the full record and clicking Get Directions engages Google Maps, in a new browser, to map a path to the record address from any starting location.

Note that If several addresses are close to each other, SmartSuite automatically aggregates those in one bigger pin with a number (see "3" below) so you can zoom them in with a simple click”. Clicking on the number will automatically zoom in to view the underlying records.

Similar to Calendar and Timeline views, Map View includes a Record Listing Panel to quickly find records on the map.

With the exception of the Fields to Display and Row / Card Size options, the full power of the Report Toolbar controls are available in Map View, including Sort, Filter, Group, Spotlight, and Find.

Note: These toolbar controls sort, filter, group, spotlight, and find records in the Record Listing Panel AND in the Map View.

Examples of Use

  • Finding the delivery address for an active order

  • Locating a job listing

  • Tracking construction sites

  • Managing physical assets in the field

  • Assigning customer accounts to customer support teams

  • Visualizing new sales opportunities

  • Making a public presentation look gorgeous on conferences, demos to investors, etc.

Active Incidents

Delivery Locations

Client Locations

Suppliers Map

Sales Territory Management

Use Map View on Mobile

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