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Tag Field

Add tags to records to categorize data, enhance saved views, and search

Jon Darbyshire avatar
Written by Jon Darbyshire
Updated over a week ago

The Tag field allows members to quickly categorize records to easily group, sort, filter, and save views on records without adding rigid category fields. Tag values can be added dynamically by members, matching descriptors with record content.

Adding a Tag field

From Grid View

Click the + menu icon after the last column header or open the Column Menu by clicking on a column header's dropdown icon and then select "Add Field to the Right."

Select "Tag" and a window will open to configure the field. You can search the name for a quick find.

From Record View

The fastest way to add a field from an open Record View to is simply click the + sign next to a current field to add a new field below.

See a Tag field being added in Edit Record View below:

Customizing the field

Tag field values are added by members and can be managed - modified, added, deleted - by Solution Managers. Tag field values can be set to:

  • Private - tag values are available within a single SmartSuite solution

  • Public - tag values are available across all solutions in a SmartSuite workspace

Tags are displayed in gray pills with a preceding # in all views and within open records. Solution Managers can:

  • Add initial tag values when configuring fields

  • Adjust the display order of tag values

  • Delete tag values

  • Set tags to Private (default) or Public

  • Mark as required

πŸ”Ž Check out quick articles on Setting Default Field Values and Adding Help Text to fields.

Examples of Use

Private Tags

Use private tag values for specific purpose solutions such as the Restaurant Management solution above or the Real Estate Transaction Management solution below.

Public Tags

Use public tag values for related processes or workflow that span solutions. For example, you may have multiple marketing solutions - Content Marketing, Marketing Campaigns, Product Marketing Management, etc. - where it makes sense to have common tag values.

Convert Tag Fields to Single or Multiple Select Fields

Tag fields can be converted to text fields (Text, Text Area, and SmartDocs) and Single or Multiple Select fields.

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