Collaborate with your Team

Communicate with your team right where your work is being performed

Peter Novosel avatar
Written by Peter Novosel
Updated over a week ago

Start a conversation in any record to collaborate on content directly where it lives. Share an idea, ask questions, clarify details, or convey the nuances of a status, risk, or blocking issue - all without switching context to look through emails or that long list of Slack threads.

Collaborate in Context

Members and teams can collaborate, @mention, share, and assign actions using Comments associated with records or in specific fields within a record. Display Open Comments in Grid View to quickly spot conversations at-a-glance. Click the icon to open an existing conversation and jump in.

@mention members or assign comments to pull them into a quick conversation to keep work moving. Every @mention triggers notifications to the recipient's Notification Center in SmartSuite and via email.

Add attachments, emojis, and more to any conversation. When words aren’t enough, attach images or videos to the conversation. Users can easily acknowledge or approve of your comment with an emoji response, no typing required.

Conversations inevitably create action items, which are easily lost in the sea of competing priorities. Comments can be assigned to members, appearing in their notifications and My Work until they are marked as resolved.

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