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Solution Guide Examples
Emma Montgomery avatar
Written by Emma Montgomery
Updated over a month ago



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Sales CRM Solution Guide


This solution provides sales teams with complete visibility into every stage of the sales pipeline, enabling better tracking and management of opportunities, accounts, and contacts.

Key Features

  • SmartDoc Capabilities: Insert images, @mention team members, link records within the solution, and leverage features

Solution Guides have the rich content capabilities of SmartDoc fields, alloing you to insert images, @mention members, link specific Records in the Solution - and more.

For example, you can include a video documenting how a team member would create a New Opportunity in your Sales CRM solution and start the following workflow.

The guide might then include a detailed description of each Table and its purpose within the Solution.

For example:

  • Sales Stages Table

    The Sales Stages Table represent the major phases of the sales pipeline. This solution template uses a 4 Stage process that every Opportunity record will follow:

    • New

    • Discovery

    • Scoping

    • Closed (Won or Lost)

    These stages can be renamed to match your existing sales processes, and additional stages can be added with ease.

  • Accounts Table

    New accounts are created in the Accounts Table and linked to Opportunities and Contacts. Account types used in the sales process are Prospects and Customers, but you can also track Partners, Vendors, or any type of organization you engage with routinely across any function of your business.

  • Contacts Table

    Similar to Accounts, Opportunities are linked to Primary Contacts and Key Stakeholders. Over time, the Contacts Table becomes the system of record for every person you do business with.

Your team could then describe how the data is organized or digested through Solution views:

  • Opportunities Table —> Sales Pipeline Kanban Report

  • Opportunities Table —> All Sales by Stage

  • Accounts Table—> Account Summary Grid Report

Product Management Solution Guide

A Solution Guide for Product Management could include a purpose statement such as:

  • Designed for agile software product development teams, this template incorporates industry best practices to manage the front door of new feature development processes, including documentation, requirements, and release planning.

  • @mention directly on the Solution Guide so your team knows who to report to at given times. Insert an attachment and include important captions that describe what the image is referring to.

  • Create checklists within the Solution guide to outline the steps necessary for the workflow's successful process.

  • Link to any Record in the Solution to drill into the data and provide content to your descriptions.

Bringing Your Tables Together

Then, your team could include an explanation of how each Table in Solution works together:

  • Features Table

    The Features table serves as the front door to product development, allowing product managers to document features at a high-level, link to market research, and downstream table with more detailed requirements and user stories.

    One unique feature of the Product Management solution is the feature Priority Score, which calculates a relative score to use in prioritizing features. It’s based on the values selected from the following fields:

  • Epics Table

    These are large bodies of work that can be broken down into a number of smaller tasks - User Stories. The Epics table links to the User Stories Table in this Solution to create a hierarchical relationship of feature development.

  • User Stories Table

    User Stories are the smallest unit of work in an agile development framework. It’s an end goal expressed from the software user’s perspective. It’s informal, and its purpose is to articulate how a piece of work will deliver a specific value back to the customer (or internal user). They are just a few sentences and in simple language that outlines the desired outcome. Requirements are added later.

  • Requirements Table

    Requirements support User Stories by specifying the details needed to achieve the end result. Types of requirements include business, functional, non-functional, UI, and technical. Documentation and designs can be attached directly to requirements to help convey how software should behave when complete.

  • Sprints Table

    Sprint records map to User Stories to indicate the sequence of development. This is a simple Table useful for planning purposes and represents a demarcation point in development processes, as more detailed software development work happens once the product features have been documented and prioritized.

Organizing Your Data

Your team could then describe how the team organizes how they view the Solution's data:

  • Features Table—> All Features by Priority Score Grid Report

  • User Stories Table—> Active Stories by Sprint

  • Sprints Table—> Sprint Timeline Report

Marketing Solution Guide Example

A Solution Guide for Marketing could describe how the Solution is designed, for example, for internal marketing teams or agencies to execute simple or complex, multi-channel campaigns. Manage campaign conception and ideation, draft content, and target personas, and identify optimal distribution channels to reach your goals.

Upload instructional videos that explain how to assign new projects to members and get new employees assimilated into the workflow process.

This guide could then go into a description guide of how each Table in the Marketing Campaign Solution works together:

  • Campaigns Table

    Set goals and budgets, plan timelines, document key messaging and calls-to-action, define measurable KPIs, manage promotions, and summarize results for continuous improvement. The Campaigns table services as the starting point for this solution, with each campaign record working in harmony with other tables to create, target and distribute marketing content.

  • Designs & Content Table

    Manage campaign design assets and new content creation to support your campaigns. Assign design or copywriting owners, track workflows from draft through approval, and attach asset files that link to master campaign records.

  • Brand Assets Table

    Don’t recreate the wheel with every campaign. Use brand assets that have already been created by attaching them to Campaigns. The goal with the Brand Assets table is to be efficient and stay organized by tracking every input to a campaign.

  • People & Personas Table

    Create and manage a central library of your target customer personas. Create campaigns that target one or multiple personas, and evolve your library as your product line or feature sets expand over time. Additionally, catalog any specific people that you have permission to feature in marketing campaigns.

The Solution Guide could list the Views the team develop to view their data in the most effective way:

  • Campaigns Table—> Projects by Status

  • Designs & Content Table —> Designs & Content by Campaign Grid Report

  • People & Personas Table —> Persona Summary Card Report

All our Solution Templates (accessible here) include a sample Solution Guide. Click here to learn more about Solution Templates, where to access them, and how to create them for your team's workflows.

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