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Utilizing Column Totals in Grid View
Utilizing Column Totals in Grid View
Emma Montgomery avatar
Written by Emma Montgomery
Updated over a month ago

Column Totals are a powerful way to summarize and analyze data within a single field of a record, especially in grid view. Depending on the field type, you can choose from various summary options to quickly understand your data.

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General Access: Users can view column totals based on their permissions.

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Summary Options by Field Type

Depending on the type of field, you will have different options of how you want to total the column:

  • Qualitative Fields such as: Text fields, Select fields, and Title fields will allow you to summarize: Empty (Quantity), Filled (Quantity), % Filled, % Empty.

  • Numerical Value Fields will allow more summing capacities including: Empty (Quantity), Filled (Quantity), % Filled, % Empty, Sum, Lowest, Highest, Average, Median, Standard Deviation, Range

  • Date fields will allow you to summarize based on: Empty (Quantity), Filled (Quantity), % Filled, % Empty, Earliest Date, Latest Date, Date Range.

  • Status fields have their own special Column Total that gives you a real time visual makeup of your status fields.

See Below:

Configuring Summary Columns

To configure a summary for a specific column, follow these steps:

  • Select the Grid View you want the summary to display in.

  • Locate the field’s column and scroll to the footer at the bottom.

  • Click on the footer cell and select the type of summary you want to display.

Practical Scenarios and Use Cases

1. Financial Reporting

Scenario: The Finance team requires insights into monthly expenses across various departments.

Solution: Leverage numerical fields to calculate totals and averages.

2. Project Milestones

Scenario: A project manager tracks milestone completion dates for multiple ongoing projects.

Solution: Use date fields to summarize the earliest and latest completion dates and identify gaps in project timelines.

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