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Table Overview

Organize items of the same type

Emma Montgomery avatar
Written by Emma Montgomery
Updated over a month ago

Tables in SmartSuite allow you to organize and manage items of the same type within a Solution. Think of each Table as a tab in a spreadsheet, designed to hold and structure information about one category of items.

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What Are Tables?

Tables in SmartSuite:

  • Represent a single type of item (e.g., projects, tasks, campaigns, or products).

  • Are organized into Fields (columns) that store specific types of data, such as text, dates, or files.

  • Contain Records (rows) that represent individual entries in the Table.

Key Features:

  • Each Solution can have up to 25 Tables.

  • Tables appear as individual tabs within a Solution.

  • Every Solution requires at least one Table to function.

Table Components


  • Definition: Individual items stored in a Table, containing values for each Field.

  • Example: In a "Projects" Table, each Record represents a specific project with details like deadlines, owners, and status.


  • Definition: Vertical columns in a Table, storing specific types of information (attributes).

  • Example: A "Due Date" Field in a "Tasks" Table holds deadlines for each task.

When to Use Multiple Tables

If your Solution tracks multiple types of items or processes, creating separate Tables is often the best approach.

An Example:
An Event Planning Solution could include:

  • Events Table: Details about each event.

  • Schedules Table: Timelines for event activities.

  • Attendees Table: Information about participants.

  • Vendors Table: Data about service providers.

Tips for Success

  • Organize Efficiently: Assign each distinct item type its own Table to keep data clear and easy to navigate.

  • Leverage Fields: Use various Field types (e.g., rich text, dates, links) to capture the full range of data for your records.

  • Maximize Views: Display your Records in multiple Views to analyze and report on your data effectively.

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