Formula Restrictions

The short list of formula field limitations and restrictions

Peter Novosel avatar
Written by Peter Novosel
Updated over a week ago

Formula fields provide SmartSuite Solution Owners with a lot of power and flexibility, but there are a few things that you should keep in mind when planning to use them in your solutions.

Note: Formula fields can reference other Formula fields.

Field Limit Note: The limit for complex field types in Tables include:

  • 30 Linked Records

  • 30 Lookups

  • 30 Total Calc fields, including: Formulas, Rollups, Counts


Limitations to conditional logic (IF statements and similar)

  • Any conditional logic statement such as IF or SUMIF must return the same type for every possible response. In other words, your IF statement cannot return a date for its TRUE response and a number for its FALSE response.

  • This rule applies to nested conditional functions (nested IF statements for example). If one response returns a date, every possible response must return a date or the function will generate an error.

Lookup Fields are not supported

  • Lookup type fields are not supported in formulas.

  • If you need the lookup value in your calculation, you can reference them through the appropriate Linked Record field, like this:
    [Linked Record].[Field that is your Lookup target]

Other unsupported fields

There are a few additional fields that aren't supported in formulas. They include the following types:

  • Files and Images

  • Checklist

  • Signature

  • SmartDoc

  • Time Tracking Log

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