Supported Languages

Learn about SmartSuite's internationalization and localization

Peter Novosel avatar
Written by Peter Novosel
Updated over a week ago

SmartSuite was created to serve the needs of an international user community, natively supporting multiple languages and locales. You can configure SmartSuite not only to display system text in different languages, but also to properly format numbers, dates and more for your preferred locale.

New user profiles start with your SmartSuite workspace's default settings for language, time zone and locale. Users can update their individual profile and select their preferred settings.

What languages are supported?

SmartSuite currently supports the following languages:

  • Bulgarian

  • Dutch

  • English

  • French

  • German

  • Hindi

  • Italian

  • Japanese

  • Polish

  • Portuguese

  • Romanian

  • Russian

  • Simplified Chinese

  • Spanish

  • Swedish

  • Ukrainian

What changes when I switch languages?

All of SmartSuite's system text changes to your selected language when you make that update in your user profile. System text includes any text labels, menu items, help text and other elements that are generated by SmartSuite and not editable by users.

Please note that changing language does not update or translate any of your data, text, field names or anything entered by a SmartSuite Member. No text is automatically or dynamically translated by SmartSuite. Currencies are also never converted or modified, only formatted as specified by locale.

What happens when I change my time zone?

Behind the scenes, all SmartSuite date and time values are stored in UTC (Universal Coordinated Time, equivalent to GMT). Your time zone setting specifies the time zone that date and time information is displayed to you.

For example, if someone in Central European Standard Time (UTC+1) stores the date January 1, 2021 and time 13:00 (3pm), a U.S. user in Eastern Standard Time (UTC-5) would see those values as January 1, 2021 at 9am (9:00).

What happens when I change my locale?

Your locale selection sets the display format for dates, times and numbers in SmartSuite. For example:


  • Date Format: MM/DD/YYYY

  • Time Format: 12 hour

  • Number Format: thousands separator is comma, decimal separator is period


  • Date Format: DD.MM.YYYY

  • Time Format: 24 hour

  • Number Format: thousands separator is period, decimal separator is comma

Note that the values in currency fields have locale-specified formatting but the selected currency and value does not change. Currencies are displayed with the currency symbol and positioning that is customary for the specific currency.

How do I change my preferred language, time zone or locale?

Changing your preferences is simple, just follow these easy steps:

  1. Click on your user profile icon in the upper-right hand corner of the SmartSuite interface to open your user profile options.

  2. Click General Preferences.

  3. Click Edit in the General Preferences section

  4. Select your preferred values for language, time zone and locale.

  5. Click Update General Preferences to save your selections.

Once you click General Preferences a dialog box opens where you can change your selections for each setting:

Note that your browser will refresh after any changes are applied.

How do I change SmartSuite system defaults for language, time zone or locale?

SmartSuite workspaces have settings for default language, time zone and locale. Members with the Administrator role can view and change the defaults by following these steps:

  1. Make sure you are logged in as a Member with the Administrator role.

  2. Click on your user profile icon in the upper-right hand corner of the SmartSuite interface to open your user profile options.

  3. Click Workspace Administration in the menu.

  4. Click the Workspace Settings tab.

  5. Scroll to the Workspace Preferences section and you will see the current default values for language, time zone and locale.

  6. Click Edit.

  7. Select your desired default values.

  8. Click Update Workspace Profile to save your changes.

A quick reminder about these settings:

  • Language. SmartSuite is available in 15 languages - all SmartSuite interfaces, help text and related content will update to your selected language (Remember: Changing this setting does not update or translate any of your data!)

  • Time Zone. Your time zone setting specifies the time zone that date and time information is displayed to you

  • Locale. Your locale specifies how dates, numbers and currencies are formatted

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